Monday, May 5, 2014

Getting Rid of More Stuff...

It's funny that my last post, nearly a year ago, touted my need to simplify. The past couple of years I have found that the life I am leading doesn't really match up with the values I hold dear. Change, though difficult, is the only option in this circumstance. 

I approach change with just as much reluctance as the next person; I definitely do not seek it out. What I'm finding though is that this time, I am making a change on my terms, thinking of what's best for me and the people I love most. That makes enduring change much more tolerable.

This month, I am moving into a much smaller home. Im changing jobs. I'm finding my focus again. I'm excited to purge all the unneccessary clutter from my living space. I'm looking at the future with a growth mindset, ready for whatever the universe brings my way. Yes, I'm scared, but I know everything will work out for the best...whatever that will be.