Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Be Your Own PR Agent

As a former professional recruiter, I understand how important personal presence is in the job market. If you want a job in broadcasting, for example, it is important to belong to organizations that promote that profession. It is equally important to be active in those organizations in order to network with a large number of people. Your odds will be greater if you know many people and keep those connections alive.

I began taking college classes in 1997, went for a couple of years, then stopped when my second daughter was born. The years flew by and I worked many different jobs in varying industries. In the end, I have found that in EVERY industry, it is who you know that will help you get the job you want. Once you have acquired the skills necessary to qualify for any job, networking is EVERYTHING!

In 2009, I realized that I needed more skills to be in the job I dreamed of. I went back to college and am currently in my last year of my undergraduate degree in education. I am  networking like crazy!!! I started by substitute teaching, which is a great way to meet educators currently in the field. At each school I worked in, I left my business cards and some candy in the teacher's lounge. That little bit of effort paid off right away. 

Since I am a student in education, I am also required to complete many practicum hours (working in a classroom for free to gain experience). Those experiences gave me even more opportunities to market myself and my skills to teachers (and the building principal). This fall, I am lucky enough to be student teaching in a classroom in which I have previously worked. This will be an excellent opportunity to show off my skills and talents with a teacher with whom I already feel comfortable. 

Today, I took treat bags to each of the teachers I worked with this spring. They had a notebook, pencil, a little candy....and of course, MY BUSINESS CARD. Getting people to associate my name and face (which are both on my business card) with all the positive little things I do to market myself will surely land me the job I have always wanted. I will continue with my efforts in the fall since I will be able to substitute until I find a teaching position. 

The lesson here is to BE YOUR OWN PR AGENT! You know what you do best, so market yourself accordingly. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Good Mom

A mother's love is truly unmatched by anything in the world. A mother carries you in her womb, feeds you, protects you, and loves you -- before anyone else has even met you. To a good mother, you are special at every age, whether you are happy or sad, obedient or troublesome, quiet or obnoxious.

Personally, I think a good mom is someone who sees their own weaknesses, who sees themselves for who they are, and works on those things that need work. Nobody is perfect, and no matter how hard we try, we're never going to be perfect. We can strive to be the best parent possible, but in the end, that's the best we can do. 

Sixteen years ago today (it's my oldest daughter's birthday), I began my journey as a mother at the age of 18. I have grown older and much wiser since that day. I am proud of my children and love them with my whole heart. That is something that nothing and no one can ever change.

Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


People and things can make you the short run. True happiness comes from within. That is a lesson we all have to learn at some point in our lives. You cannot expect the world to "make" you happy -- that is YOUR job. Continually expecting validation from others or looking for material things/activities to fill the void you have within yourself is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. 

How can you be happy with yourself? 
(1) You have to forgive yourself for your past. You don't live there anymore, and neither should your thoughts. 
(2) Keep a list of things you do well or have accomplished recently. Refer to the list often and add to it -- even if the accomplishment seems small. 
(3) Surround yourself with positive thoughts, people and quotes. When you change your thoughts, you change your world. By thinking positively, there's no day that will get the best of you.
(4) Finally, smile. Putting on a smile not only increases your happiness, but has the same effect on others. By putting your best face forward, you will begin to see the positives in your life, instead of always focusing on the negative. 

While these small steps may not change every aspect of your life, they may control your reaction to it, which will make you happier and your struggles much easier to bear.