Thursday, July 11, 2013

Getting Rid of Stuff

It's project week at my house. I have just a few more weeks until another school year begins. Then it gets hard to keep up with the clutter. This year, I have made the commitment to simplify our house. I want to own things we need or use frequently and live without the rest. I think it will help us keep the house more organized even when life gets hectic. 

As I have sifted through room after room, making choices about items, it has also made me feel a little more relaxed. I love the thought of having passing along to someone else. It really warms my heart. But, I also know that I will be happier in less clutter, so it's worth spending hours readying items for donation.

Tonight, we put the last of the items in the driveway for pickup tomorrow morning. I chose the Epilepsy Foundation for the charity we are helping. I can't wait for them to take it all away. With it, a chunk of stress goes with it.

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