Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where is the Love?

The love of my life :-)
I'm amazed in 2012 that there are still people who will make racist/culturally-biased comments in public places. This was a topic of discussion in a recent college class. The part that bothers me so much is that most comments are based on fear or ignorance. If you don't really know much about a culture/race, who are you to criticize? One thing I have learned is the some things never change. Sadly, people who live with any kind of hate in their heart are missing out on others who may enrich their life in ways they never knew. People they could learn from. People they could love. People are people, regardless of the color of their skin. When everyone in the world understands that, we will be able to live together in harmony. I wonder if that will be in my lifetime...

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