Wednesday, March 14, 2012


The missing fence (about 15 feet wide)

This week I've been very privileged to be doggie-sitting for Avery, my brother and his fiancee's (he asked her on their trip :-) dog. She is an awesome dog and I LOVE having her here. It did remind me, however, of a little incomplete project in the backyard. Part of the fence is missing, so I cannot let her out in the yard to run and play like I want. To repair the fence properly, we priced the items at a minimum of $150. Well, we can't do THAT right now. So what's the alternative? Well, I found some security fencing for $30, but I'm not sure if it would keep her safe. Choices...choices....
One of the choices...isn't it AWESOME??

I came upon this picture in Pinterest (yes, its very addictive if you love making things). I really like the look of this and it is not very expensive (still going to be around $75). I'm not really sure what to choose.

Life is so full of options sometimes that you don't know which way to go. One way seems like a good idea, especially when its the easy route, but that is not always the BEST choice. I'm going to mull this over for a few days, since its already too late to fix it for this visit. For now, I'm just going to continue to take Avery on LOTS of walks to keep her entertained.

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