Thursday, March 15, 2012

To Do Lists

I am a list maker. Of the many lists in the back of my planner, some help me remember projects I want to do around the house, others list books or websites I want to check out. I love my lists, but I love checking things off of them even more. Keeping a master list of things you want to accomplish can organize your life. I know it does not work that way for everyone, but having some kind of method to the madness is a good start to taking control of your life and choices you make with your time. 

Make a list of all the things you want to do this week. Post it on the refrigerator or other place you see regularly. If you love technology, for example, there are free services that keep your lists online so you have access to them wherever you go! See if one of these methods makes you more mindful of those tasks. If so, you may want to do it regularly. For me, lists make my life easier. Hopefully, I can help you do the same!

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