Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Bubba Day

Happy St. Bubba Day!!! 

Summer 2003
My daughter, Katelyn, ADORES her brother, Patrick. When he was a baby, she never left his side -- except for naptime. But the word "Patrick" was impossible for her to say then. At barely one, she couldn't even say "baby" coherently yet. What she could say resembled "bubby", which stuck as Patrick's nickname for a couple years. 

St. Bubba Day 2012 (with a special card from Katelyn)
When he turned two or so, it evolved to "bubba". His plump, little cheeks framed the cutest smile on the planet. Once he started kindergarten, he adamantly wanted to be called Patrick from then on. Patrick loves having two special days every year: his birthday and "St. Bubba Day", which we still call it. I love having unique traditions in our family. I hope we always remember the stories behind them. 

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