Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Right Thing

I don't think anyone sits down to weigh their options on an important decision and thinks, "I'll just do the wrong thing." I firmly believe that most people want and choose to do what is good and right if it is in their ability. The hard part isn't in making the choice as much as figuring out WHAT the right thing actually is. It is not always clear. What makes it even more complicated is when there is no ideal solution to a problem -- just the lesser of two evils. What should you do then?

Instead of making decisions based on right and wrong, many people do what looks good to others. In fact, most politicians live out their entire political careers doing this very thing. When I log onto social networking sites, I see many people showing only certain aspects of their life -- because they care more about what their life looks like to others than how it is for themselves or their families. I have learned that looking good is not always doing good, and certainly does not always leave you feeling good.

If you have really thought out a decision in your life and feel it is the best one for you, don't feel the need to justify yourself to anyone. Your life is yours, including all the choices and consequences. If you feel strongly about something, make choices that reflect that and don't allow anyone to criticize them. Stand firm in your ability to do the right thing for yourself and your family.

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