Monday, March 12, 2012

One-Way Relationships

According to, the definition of relationship is, "the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or in the state of being connected". With this definition in mind, there is no such thing as a one-way relationship. In order for it to even BE a relationship, there must be two or more people connected. If there is no effort from two parties, it is nothing. This meaning impacts all types of relationships: ones with familiy, friends, lovers, co-workers, and acquaintances. No one person can keep giving and giving; getting no love or friendship in return will leave you empty. It takes two to cultivate a connection over time. 

Think about all the relationships in your life and evaluate whether they are two-way. Are you doing your part, or just expecting the other person to do all the work? Are you giving in a relationship, but never receiving what you need? If either of these apply, adjustments must be considered. You know deep down inside if you are in a mutually caring, respectful relationship. You know when you are by the way this person makes you feel when you interact with them (in person, on the phone, online, etc.). Use your feelings to determine whether you are happy most of the time around that person or if feelings of anxiety, fear, distrust arise every time you think about them. Talk to you that person and let them know how you feel. After all, there can be no good relationship that is one-way.

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