Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Double Digits...Can it be?

Today, my youngest daughter turns 10...a huge milestone in her life. Her age will now and always be a double-digit number, barring that she lives to be 100+. As her mom, I can't help but reflect on the last ten years of my own life and how things have changed so much since I held that innocent newborn in my arms. When Katelyn was born, I lived in another state, had no prospects of returning to complete my education, and was satisfied in a job that paid well, but did little to challenge my abilities. Today, I am working in the field I always wanted (education - although I am a mere substitute for now) and less than a year from completing my degree. My children are growing, but all the while I have been growing as well. I'm proud of the people we are all becoming. I wonder, what will the next ten years will bring?

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