The point of this blog is to share my experiences and lessons, in hopes of several outcomes:
- First, I want the people who know me... to really KNOW me. After the death of my grandmother last year, I realized that you can know someone your whole life superficially. I thought I knew my grandma, but I really didn't. I did not have heartfelt talks about her experiences. I knew the general timeline of her life, but only the one I pieced together through the years. Maybe those missed moments would have made an impact on my life. Maybe they wouldn't have. Regardless, I don't want to go the rest of my life with people only knowing me on the surface. There's much more to me than that.
- I hope that my words will be an encouragement. Sometimes people just need to know that wherever they are in their journey, they are not alone in their thoughts and feelings. I have been touched deeply by others' words in my own life, through conversations, music, letters, emails, books, texts, and other blogs. There have been times that those words were a lifeboat for me. I hope that I can do the same for another.
- The third outcome I am striving for is to continue to grow and learn as a person. I have received several messages and emails from people regarding their life experiences since starting this blog. I love people in general, from the old man I spoke to at the breakfast counter yesterday to the lady having trouble carrying two kids and groceries I met a few months ago. The encounters and conversations I am lucky enough to have in my life have made me who I am. I never want that to change.
- I hope that my choices, will lead someone to make positive change in their life. I have learned many lessons the hard way. Maybe if I tell you about my epic failures in life, you will know what not to do. Maybe if I tell you some good things too, it will give you a good example to follow.
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