Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Drama-Free" Living

At least once a day, I hear about someone deciding to live "drama-free". Its a funny term really. Our lives are so full of drama: between social networking, relationships, news, texting, television programs, YouTube...there are so many ways we can get completely lost in it. Is there a way to live drama-free? Not really. Since you only have control over yourself and no one around you, the notion is impossible unless you plan on becoming a hermit. BUT, there is still a solution. Decide how YOU will respond to the turmoil. If you decide NOT to let it rule your life, it won't. Simple as that. When things are getting too complicated, take a step away. Turn off the TV, computer, or cell phone and focus on your immediate family (the people you live with daily). If they are the problem, then deal with those issues PRIVATELY - not through other venues which only create a bigger problem for yourself and create drama for others. Taking control of your own life is the best way to create the peace we all crave.

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