Saturday, January 14, 2012


No one is perfect. We have all said or done something that we wish we could change. I know I have. You could spend your whole life wishing that you had another chance to relive that one moment that changed everything. For a long time, that's all I thought about. I continuously beat myself up for making quick, thoughtless choices or speaking words that ultimately hurt myself or the people around me. As the consequences of those choices set in, it is easy to fall into a downward spiral of self-loathing, depression, and doubt about the future. I've been there too. Rock bottom is a scary place for anyone, but I am a living, breathing example that things can get better if you really want them to be. I have hit that bottom two times in my life, and now realize what I was doing wrong. I blamed others for the things going wrong in my life. Instead of making any changes for the better, I wallowed in self-pity and depression, hoping things would get better on their own. BUT THEY DON'T.

Everyone makes mistakes, but you can't beat yourself up forever. No one is without their faults, which is what makes us human. In order to move on, you have to forgive yourself for the regretful things you have said and the bad choices you have made. That is the most important beginning step.  Next, begin to repair the relationships with the people who you care about most. Everyone needs a support system in this life. You can't do everything alone. Finally, you have to decide what you really want and make a plan. Think of all the things you need to get to there. For me, I wanted to be a teacher my entire life. So, I made the conscious decision to go back to school and achieve that dream. It is not always easy, but I am committed to doing this one thing for myself. I didn't jump in with both feet, but made small, calculated steps to get me closer to my goal.

Regrets only trap you if you let them decide the course of the rest of your life. Making lasting changes (starting small) is the only way to change those bad words and choices into the life you can smile about.

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