Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Gift of Family

This weekend, I have had the pleasure of spending extra time with my parents and siblings for my father's 60th birthday celebration. My family is amazing. We have all the fun of the inside jokes, "-isms", sarcasm and competitiveness that any other quirky family does, but with an ever-unique "Wohldmann flair". There have been plenty of times that we did not always see eye to eye. We have had our fair share of emotional tug-of-wars and tears, but also LOTS of laughs along the way. Now that we are all older, I think its easier to appreciate our differences in lifestyles and choices -- and just love each other for what we are. This is something I really love about how things are now. Hold close to your family. You may not get to choose them, but there's no replacing them.