Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My First Love

Music is a common language that breaks down every kind of boundary. I have never known ANYONE who does not like some kind of music. Music connects us. If you are having a hard time finding a place to start with a person...begin with music. Its our universal common ground. I am not a music lover...I am a music ADDICT! Nothing can change my mood faster than some of my favorite songs. It is truly my first love.

I remember dancing around the house with my sisters, blasting the music as loud as possible when my mom was at work. On the way home from weekends at my dad's, we would listen to the "Oldies Show" on the radio. I loved (and still love) listening to my dad sing. I fell in love with singing in front of people when I started singing in church as a child...then again on the high school stage. Music has made me smile, laugh, cry, think, and act. There are a million moments of my life that certain songs bring me back to. Music and I have a love that will never be broken.

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